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InfinStor provides Data Scientists credentials for use with the CLI

MLflow CLI Access

InfinStor MLflow CLI Authentication uses long lived tokens.

Create and Download Token File

Pressing the 'Create Token File' button causes a new tab to be opened, and the user will flow through the InfinStor main service' cognito authetication. In the case of Enterprise Licenses, users will have to complete the authentication system configured for that particular Enterprise.

Use Token File for authenticating CLI programs

Once authentication is complete, the browser will download a file named token. This token file must be placed in a sub-directory called .infinstor in the user's home directory.

$ mkdir -p ~/.infinstor
$ cp ~/Downloads/token ~/.infinstor
$ export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=infinstor://
$ mlflow experiments search

Revoke Compromised Token

If the token file is compromised, e.g. it has been obtained by some malicious party, the user may revoke access using the 'Revoke Access Token' button. After revocation, access will be denied to programs that use that specific token for authentictsion.

A new token will be issued if the user presses 'Create Access Token' after this.